Friday, July 6, 2012

One more thing on the list...

July 3 this year not only marked the 30th year of my life but it also added one more thing to the list of things to do before I leave for Nunavut.  Coming up the Kenilworth Access on Tuesday afternoon, I was rear ended into the car in front of me - yes, that was me blocking traffic on the access around 2:30pm on Tuesday.  You're welcome. 

Luckily, everyone (including Nigel the dog) in all three cars walked away unharmed.  My CRV however, isn't going to make it. I just got word today that I should start looking for another vehicle.

My original plan was to put fire and theft on the CRV and plant it on my parents' driveway for the 5 months I would be gone to Nunavut. But now I won't have to worry about all the rusting a stationary vehicle incurs nor will I be taking up prime driveway space.  
That's the sunny side - or as sunny of a side that I could make it.  The fact of the matter, though, is that I was in the middle of an accident that shouldn't have happened and there could very well have been serious injuries.

The accident required two tow trucks and a fire truck.  The police were called but the operator told me they weren't coming and was frankly quite rude to me about my insistence that we needed them... something that puts a very bad taste in my mouth. 

We were blocking a full lane of traffic on a blind curve, leaking coolant and any number of other engine liquids all over the road, and while we were waiting for tow trucks, there were almost 4 other accidents because there wasn't any traffic control.  Furthermore, from what I understand, police need to show up on scene if there is more than $1000 damage - which clearly there was.  The part that killed me was that the city crew who were blocking the right lane to cut grass and who witnessed EVERYTHING picked up their pylons and left almost as soon as the accident occured. Granted, there wasn't police on scene to take statements, but I sure as heck would have called them in as witnesses had there been any mention of me being at fault. Also, who is to say that the city had properly signed the area?  I can remember seeing one guy on the centre median with a weed whipper and wondering where the heck he came from because there were no "men at work" or "caution" signs.  The only precautionary measures taken were four pylons behind the city truck parked in the right lane signifying that the access was down to one lane.
There was also potential that I could be held partially "at fault" for the accident and have to pay.  Now, knowing me, you can probably guess my thoughts on having to pay even part of my deductible for an accident that I didn't cause. 

Good news is, I didn't have to squawk or take legal action - I was deemed not at fault and will not have to pay anything.  The guy who ran into me has been held 100% at fault for the accident.

Everyone is alright and that really is all that matters, but what a pain in the ass. I'm glad a stiff neck and some sore muscles are all that I've come out of this ordeal with. I also have a cute rental that is helping with the running around - I was spoiled, though, by the size and versatility of my CRV... the Nissan may have four doors but it certainly doesn't hold half of the stuff my Honda could.

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